Keratin Hair Treatment-Brazilian Blowout kit de 4 productos de 4 oz


Sale price$35.95


brazilian blowout kits

Brazilian blowout kits se han vuelto muy populares últimamente, y es fácil ver por qué. El tratamiento de keratina es un tratamiento para el cabello que promete dejar el cabello suave, sedoso y fácil de peinar. Muchas mujeres buscan este tratamiento para mejorar el aspecto de su cabello, y los kits de Brazilian blowout pueden ayudar a lograr este objetivo. Los productos en estos kits Suelen incluir una loción o spray de keratina, así como una mascarilla o tratamiento hidratante. También se incluyen guías paso a paso para asegurarse de que obtenga el mejor resultado posible del tratamiento. Si estás interesado en obtener un tratamiento de keratina, considera comprar un kit Brazilian blowout para lograr los mejores resultados.
brazilian keratin hair treatment fredericksburg va

hair keratin kit


tratamiento de keratina is a popular hair treatment that can be done at home using a hair keratin kit. The kit contains all the necessary products and instructions to perform the treatment, which works by temporarily straightening the hair and sealing in moisture. Keratin treatments are an effective way to achieve smooth, sleek hair, and they can also help to reduce frizz and add shine. However, it is important to note that keratin treatments are not suitable for all hair types, and they should not be used more than once every six weeks. Before using a tratamiento de keratina kit, consult with a hairstylist to ensure that the treatment is right for your hair type.
hair smoothing treatment kit
keratin straight hair treatment
hair protein smoothing treatment
moisturizing hair protein
hair moisturizer
brazilian hair treatment
straight hair


Our keratin complex smoothing treatment will repair your hair for 3-7 months, you don't have to worry about hair loss as it will not cause hair loss or hair breakage and make your hair smooth, and frizz-free. The best and trusted salon hair straightening treatment can be used at home. An advanced, quick and easy-to-use keratin treatment that instantly smooths softens, repairs, and strengthens your hair with an intensive conditioning product that restores vitality by repairing the hair from the inside out.


Save your money and time because there is no wait for 3 days after application to wash your hair again. Our Best keratin protein hair treatment comes with a clarifying shampoo, anti-frizz conditioner, and keratin mask.


Tested and Proven over and over, our Brazilian blowout products are formaldehyde-free that enhances and restores curls and doesn't cause any harmful effect to your health. A great treatment for those who are apprehensive about losing their curl or have fine hair. With up to 60% curl reduction.


The keratin smoothing treatment is color safe and suitable for all types of hair. It is usually enough for 1 use (depending on the length and texture of the hair), Keratin Tropics provides styling flexibility and beautiful natural shine for healthy hair. it is also known as the Brazilian keratin treatment.


We prioritize personal and individualized attention to each client, helping them to choose at all times those products that best suit their needs and objectives. if you have any doubt about our Brazilian keratin treatment, we will solve your problem within 24 working hours

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Get Beautiful, Straight & Smooth Hairs with our Keratin Straightening Treatment. We promote hair care in a healthy way, with high-quality products. Sustainability is part of your roots, which is why we offer natural products Why You Choose Us? Formaldehyde-free Non-Sulfate Does not cause hair loss or breakage. Improve the health of damaged hair. Immediate results and safe on colored hairs Eliminates Frizz


1-Wash your hair with deep detox cleaning shampoo. Dry towel and brush the hair.


2 Sections Your hairs similar to how the dye is applied by performing a gentle massage in the capillary fiber so that the keratin is better absorbed. Do not apply to the scalp. Be sure to stay ¼ inch away from the scalp.


2-Apply the habitator keratin and stand in a dryer for 40 to 60 minutes until drying 100% hair. Cover the hair with a plastic cap. 40 minutes stops

Fine, wavy and 60 minute hair for coarse and tight curly hair to maximize smoothing results.


3- When finished letting refresh for 5 minutes and rinse with water.


4- Apply the Anti-Frizz Leave in which you also act as thermal protector, and the Blower is applied to dry 100%. Then secure the hair and pass the iron. About 2-4 times in each section. We recommend a temperature of 450 degrees or less.



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